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Here are the download files for GLtron 0.70

The following platforms are currently supported: Linux, Win32, MacOS X . A Mac OS 9 binary is provided, but unsupported.

For older releases and other platforms, see unsupported platforms.

For Linux, there are two versions. The source distribution and a binary. The binary uses the great installer from the friendly guys at Loki Games and is really easy to install. Just make sure OpenGL works on your system, then download the installer and run it (as root, if you want to install to system-wide).

If you want to compile the source, you'll need to install some libraries, namely SDL, SDL_sound, libmikmod and libpng. If you have a newer distribution, you proably have these already. After that it's ./configure && make . And then, as root, make install

The Win32 binary comes with an installer. Just run the .exe

The MacOS binary is compiled by Darrell Walisser (walisser at mac . com) (thanks a lot!). Unstuff it and see the included Readme file for MacOS specific information.

Stable Version, 0.70

MacOS X 0.70 binary Download
MacOS 9 0.70 binary Download
Linux 0.70 binary installer Download
Windows (all versions) 0.70 binary installer Download
Source code for 0.70 Download

Please do not link to these files directly. The download links might change. Link to http://www.gltron.org/download.php instead.

Support files

Developers (and perhaps some Linux users trying to compile the sources) may find these files/links useful:

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