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Attention: the documentation is out of date, I mean to update it
at some point soon, but if someone volunteered, I'd be more than happy.
The documentation is brief. If someone wants to contribute some
documentation, I'd be very happy. The following is available:
First, a 3D card is strongly recommended. Then, you need the right
drivers for your card. Contact your graphics card vendor (e.g. Intel,
ATI or nVidia), or if you have a laptop, your laptop manufactorer
(it's usually tricky to find up-to-date laptop drivers though).
The following comments are only for people who want to compile the source
themselves (i.e. all Linux/Unix users).
Linux: Extract the sources somewhere and read the INSTALL file.
Almost all settings can be changed through the menu system.
Usage is straightforward:
- Use the cursor keys (Up/Down) and Space/Enter to navigate the menus.
- Press Escape to ascend one menu level / get back to the game.
- Use the Left/Right keys to change the volume settings in the Audio menu.
In the game:
Press Space to start / restart / pause the game
Change View
'F1': Single player view
'F2': Two player view
'F3': Four player view
'F10': Change Camera Mode - there are three different camera modes
Controls (default settings):
Player | Turn left | Turn right
1 | 'a' | 's' |
2 | 'k' | 'l' |
3 | '5' | '6' |
4 | 'Left' | 'Right' |
'F12': Takes a screenshot
The linux and win32 versions support command line switches.
A description is available by typing 'gltron -h'.
Have Fun!
Sites of interest
These sites ran regular announcements of the linux version of GLtron from
version 0.2 on
Websites from people how contributed to GLtron:
Other tron/lightcycle games (3d):
Armagetron. Probably GLtron's most dangerous competition. Armagetron
is playbable over the net.
- Cycles 3D.
Not as polished or popular as Armagetron, but is also playable over the net.
Development has stopped though.
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